Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I guess this is what getting better feels like.... I feel like Bambi really, shaky legs and uncertainty... but I guess that is life in general

I look at others and I think wow, one day I would love to be that confident, one day... But learning the being me is the best thing is great... its nice to admire people but its also nice to not have to pressure myself to be something I am not... I am simply me.

Its crazy to think I was ready to end it all...to take away this experience from myself... how deep and dark that place had become is amazing to me know... I had thought about something happening the other day and my head screamed at me omg that would be horrendous I want to live!!!!! It was a powerful feeling... a miraculous fabulous feeling...

Day by day.. moment by moment..

A ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for - William Shed

J x

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