Monday, September 27, 2010


The weekend did not end well...left in a mass crying heap, uncontrollable and so scared as my mind is becoming a heap of emotional crazyness... I feel so alone in this big much to the point I cant handle it... thank god someone was there yesterday to support me, give me love and just let me be and let it out..but he is right, its time and you have to get up and put one foot infront of the other

I have managed to make it to work today..against all that I wanted... I just wanted to stay in my cave and not see the light of day, but what good does that bring..being alone in my own head is not a healthy place to be...

Fingers crossed I can get in to see my therapist today... fingers really crossed...I need to know what she thinks...

I need to clear my head and dont know how... urgh this is so frustrating...but am I hanging on to the feeling and not just letting it pass? He has assured me this is a glitch and our love is there I know it because I can feel it... I need to relax and get better, really get better... one step at a time

Today I shall just remind myself to breathe and look at the good things coming up... just breathing...

until next time
:) x

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